Transparency Lost in Online Gambling Industry

When an online gaming affiliate questions an affiliate program about stats or commission earnings, it’s not unreasonable to expects straight, honest answers. Sadly in most cases, if your not facing due North and  whistling dixie, you’ll likely get feed a load of bollocks or you’ll be totally blown off. Well, that’s not good enough. This closed lip approach, goes directly against the virtues of full transparency, which iGaming affiliate programs claim to hold.

Early in 2013 I’d been over-paid by Referback. Within a few days I received an *.xls report showing the double payment error. I was shocked. This was the first time a casino affiliate program had stepped up to the plate with full transparency, without having to chase them down.

Most online gaming affiliates try to work out issues directly with the affiliate program. However, when your ignored or blown off with red herrings, trying to get truthful answers to straight questions soon becomes a waste of time. When this happens, most people make their issues public on gambling affiliate forums, where these iGaming affiliate programs are sponsors.

Thing is though, while a percentage of issues get resolved, others are swept under the carpet or worse the thread is locked. That’s when a huge conflict of interest rears its head. These gambling affiliate forums are supposed to be objective and unbiased. They certainly shouldn’t be giving sponsors carte blanche to treat their affiliate forum members with contempt, that’s for sure!

A few days ago, I was subjected to a clear case of bias given to Fortune Affiliates, a sponsor program of Casino Affiliate Programs (aka CAP). You can read about that bias white wash here: AussieDave Banned at CAP.

Until transparency and honest business dealings are truly embraced in the online gambling industry, affiliates will continued to be screwed over and places like will go on taking sponsorship dollars to protect these programs and their conflicts of interest.

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